Duke Neurosurgery offers fellowships in spine, endovascular, pediatric neurosurgery, skull base surgery, and global health.


Adult Spine Fellowship
Muhammad Abd-El-Barr, MD, PhD
Contact: Wendy Morman, fellowship program administrator

Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellowship
Stephanie Greene, MD
Contact: Wendy Morman, fellowship program administrator

Endovascular Fellowship
Erik Hauck, MD
Contact: Wendy Morman, fellowship program administrator

Skull Base Surgery Fellowship
Ali Zomorodi, MD
Contact: Wendy Morman, fellowship program administrator
This fellowship is only accepting internal enfolded fellows at this time.

Global Health Fellowship - Elizabeth Bullitt and Allan H. Friedman International Fellowship in Neurosurgery
Contact: Beth Baltes, program manager, Duke Global Neurosurgery and Neuroscience
Under the new global program (The Elizabeth Bullitt and Allan H. Friedman International Fellowship in Neurosurgery), residents from the University of North Carolina and Duke will participate in the UNC Project-Malawi in the spring and travel to Uganda through Duke’s Global Neurosurgery and Neuroscience division, expanding their global perspective and understanding of service.