Duke Performs MRgFUS in Patient with von Willebrand Disease
DCBSM center co-director featured in HemOnc Today
Duke Center for Brain and Spine Metastasis Center Co-Director Carey Anders, MD, was featured in the October issue of HemOnc Today.
A tingling sensation, then trouble walking, sends a Charlotte, NC, woman to Duke University Hospital, but the diagnosis is nothing she expected
DCBSM deputy director of palliative care named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Palliative Medicine
Duke Center for Brain and Spine Metastasis Deputy Director of Palliative Care, Chris Jones, MD, FAAHPM, has been named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Palliative Medicine.
Peter Fecci featured on The Immunology Podcast
Peter Fecci, MD, PhD, was featured in the most recent episode of The Immunology Podcast.
Madison Shoaf Joins the Faculty
Madison Shoaf, MD, MS has joined the faculty of the Duke Department of Neurosurgery, effective October 1, 2023.
UGDH enzyme classified as indicator of tumor progression
Duke researchers have classified UGDH enzyme as an indicator of tumor progression across various cancers and a possible target for treatment.
Malcolm Gladwell Interviews Jordan Komisarow About Gun Trauma
In a recent podcast, Malcolm Gladwell asserts that the measure of gun violence in this country is not gun deaths, because of our advanced treatment for trauma.
No-Incision Procedure Calms Tremor
Duke Neurosurgery Welcomes Ukachukwu and Zein
Alvan Ukachukwu, MBBS, MSc, has been named assistant professor in the Duke Department of Neurosurgery, effective September 1, 2023.