The Department of Neurosurgery held a half-day research symposium today, highlighting the innovative work of faculty and residents. "This was a day to showcase some really outstanding work," said Gerald Grant, MD, chair of the Department. "Our goal is to encourage more academic collaborations and to inspire more residents and students."
Presentations by Duke Neurosurgery Residents
Machine Learning to Tackle Clinical Research in Neurosurgery
Syed Adil, MD
The Current State of Global Neurosurgery Literature
Kennedy Carpenter, MD
Therapeutic Enhancement of Blood Brain Barrier and Blood Tumor Barrier Permeability with LITT
Mounica Paturu, MD
Investigating the Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 (TNFR2) in T Cell Exhaustion in Glioblastoma
Drew Hardigan, MD, PhD
Neuroinnovation in Neurosurgery: Novel Halo Fixation Device
Eli Johnson, MD
Closing the Self-Assessment Gap: Establishment of a Surgical Coaching Program for Junior Neurosurgery Residents
Allie Raghavan, MD
An Assessment of Need and Capacity for Epilepsy Surgery in Uganda
Prince Antwi, MD
The Impact of Tumors on Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Disorder
Stephen Bergin, MD, PhD
Interferon Signaling in the Glioblastoma Microenvironment Promotes T Cell Exhaustion and Resistance to Checkpoint Inhibitors
Josh Jackson, MD, PhD
The Role of Blink Reflex In Facial Nerve Monitoring
Jiji Abdelgadir, MD
Decoding the Brain: Analyzing EEG Using Machine Learning
Daniel Sexton, MD
Surgical Education: Objectively Tracking lntraoperative Autonomy
Alex Suarez, MD
Management of Spinal Injuries in the Setting of Polytrauma
David Huie, MD
Leveraging Technology to Improve Safety and Efficiency in Spine Surgery
Timmy Wang, MD
Presentations by Duke Neurosurgery Faculty
Pushing the Limits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Muhammad Abd-EI-Barr, MD, PhD
Cell-Free DNA Contributes to Systemic lmmunosuppression in Experimental GBM
Kathy Ayasoufi, PhD
A Novel Mechanism of T Cell Antitumor Immunity
Peter Fecci, MD, PhD
Identifying the Epileptic Engram
Stephen Harward, MD, PhD
Intra-Arterial Encephalography from an Acutely Implanted Aneurysms Using a WEB Device in Awake Humans
David Hasan, MD
Breaching the Blood Tumor Barrier
Gerry Grant, MD
Leveraging Insurance Claims Data for Discovery in Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors
Quinn Ostrom, PhD
Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Vorasidenib vs. Placebo in IDH Mutant Low Grade Glioma Patients (INDIGO)
Katy Peters, MD
lnterneuron Transplantation in an Organotypic Model of Epilepsy
Derek Southwell, MD, PhD
Progress in Glioma Causation Research - Moving Toward "Known Unknowns"
Kyle Walsh, PhD