Laura Alder, MD, and Trey Mullikin, MD have been named deputy division directors of the Duke Center for Brain and Spine Metastasis (DCBSM).
Alder and Mullikin will serve as the center's deputy medical director and deputy spine services director respectively.
Alder specializes in thoracic oncology and sees patients with lung cancer as well as mesothelioma. She is passionate about new advancements for patients with brain metastases from lung cancer.
Mullikin's clinical focus is on treating patients with cancer in the brain, lung, and spine. One of his specialist interests is using radio surgery to treat patients with metastasis to the brain or spine.
DCBSM brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts who seek new answers for these patients. Duke offers some of the most advanced surgeries and treatments, even for patients who may have been told they are out of such options. Launched in 2017, the DCBSM is now one of the fastest-growing clinical program at Duke.