Current Position
Neurosurgeon, Colorado Brain and Spine Institute
2019-2020 Fellow, Surgical Neuro-Oncology, Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center,
Dept. of Neurosurgery, Duke University
2018-2019 Chief resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University
2013-2018 Resident physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University
2008-2013 MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2004-2008 BA with Distinction, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology,
University of Colorado
Clinical Interests
Neuro-oncology, with a focus on complex and eloquent tumor resection; awake craniotomy and brain mapping; keyhole, minimally-invasive, trans-sulcal and endoscope-assisted resection techniques; laser interstitial thermal therapy; and radiosurgery.
Research Interests
Clinical, translational, and collaborative approaches to treating primary and metastatic brain tumors, with a focus on immunotherapy, intratumoral drug delivery, novel radiosurgical paradigms and adjuncts, and laser interstitial thermal therapy.
Honors & Awards
2019 Resident Teaching Award, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University
2017 Resident Research Award, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University
2015 Golden Apple Award, Duke University Medical School
2014 RUNN Award, Society of Neurological Surgeons and Duke Department of Neurosurgery
2013 AΩA class, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2012 SOS (Student-Organized Scholarship) Award, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2011 Hamilton Foundation Fellowship
2011 Best in Show, 26th Annual University of Colorado Health Sciences Graduate Research Forum
2011 Harry K. Albert Merit Award, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2010 Campbell Scholarship, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Research Track Award University of Colorado School of Medicine
2009 University of Colorado Cancer Center Research Award
2009, 2010 Promotion with Academic Excellence, University of Colorado School of Medicine
2008 Community Health Award, University of Colorado
2008 Medal of Distinction, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado
2006, 2007 HHMI Biosciences Award, University of Colorado
2004-2008 Norlin Scholarship, University of Colorado
2004 Kittredge Honors Program, University of Colorado
2004 SURE Fellowship
2004 RPI Math and Science Medal
Playing, coaching and watching hockey; powerlifting, bodybuilding, road biking, camping, backpacking, hiking, snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing, and cooking
Peer-Reviewed Publications
H Kemeny, A Elsamadicy, HS Farber, C Champion, S Lorrey, P Chongsathidkiet, K Woroniecka, X Cui, S Shen, K Rhodin, V Tsvankin, J Everitt, L Sanchez-Perez, P Healy, R McLendon, P Codd, I Dunn, PE Fecci (Nov 2019). Targeting PD-L1 Instigates Effective Anti-Tumor Immunity in a Murine Model of Cushing’s Disease. Clin Cancer Res 18-3486: 1078-0432.
E Sankey, V Tsvankin, M Grabowski, G Nayar, K Batich, A Risman, C Champion, A Salama, CR Goodwin, PE Fecci (Sept 2019). Operative and Perioperative Considerations in the Management of Brain Metastasis. Cancer Medicine 8(16): 6809-6831.
V Tsvankin, R Hashizume, H Katagi, C Lascola, T Venkatraman, B Burrus, O Becher, E Thompson (Jun 2019). ABC Transporter Inhibition Plus Dexamethasone Enhances the Efficacy of Convection Enhanced Delivery In H3.3K27M Mutant Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. Neurosurgery: nyz212.
TY Wang, SC Harward II, V Tsvankin, H Bell, L Charalambous, S Adil, DJ Englot, CR Goodwin, IO Karikari, RE Isaacs, MD, MO Krucoff (Feb 2019). Neurological outcomes following surgical or conservative management of spontaneous spinal epidural abscesses: a systematic review and meta-analysis of data from 1980 through 2016. Clin Spine Surg 32(1):18-29.
SW Yoon, V Tsvankin, Z Shrock, B Meng, M Dewhirst, PE Fecci, J Adamson, M Oldham (Mar 2018). Enhancing Radiation Therapy through Cherenkov Light Activated Phototherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 100(3):794-801.
V Tsvankin, C Lascola, T Venkatraman, B Burrus, O Becher, E Thompson (Nov 2017). Systemic and Convection-Enhanced Delivery of Dasatinib Extend Survival In Murine Histone H3.3K27M Mutant Brainstem Glioma. Neuro-Oncology 19(s6):vi191.
M.Oldham, SW Yoon, J Adamson, Z Shrock, V Tsvankin, PE Fecci, MW Dewhirst (Oct 2017). Enhancing Radiation Therapy Through Cherenkov Light-Activated Phototherapy from Clinical Megavoltage Treatment Beams. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 99(2):S229-230.
V Tsvankin, E Howell, PE Fecci (Jul 2017). Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Radiation Necrosis/Adverse Inflammatory Responses to SRS. J Neurol Stroke 7(2):233.
SH Farber, V Tsvankin, JL Narloch, GJ Kim, AK Salama, G Vlahovic, KL Blackwell, JP Kirkpatrick, PE Fecci (Jun 2016). Embracing rejection: Immunologic trends in brain metastasis. Oncoimmunology. 5(7): e1172153.
V Tsvankin, R Leung, B Amendolara, JS Sims, A Waziri, P Canoll, J Bruce. (Nov 2012) Targeting Regulatory T Cells By Intracranial Convection-Enhanced Delivery of Anti-CD25 Promotes Tumor Clearance in Murine Glioma. J Immunotherapy 35(9):783.
TR Sippel, J White, K Nag, V Tsvankin, MK Klaassen, BK Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, AE Waziri (Sept 2011). Neutrophil Degranulation and Immunosuppression in Patients with Glioblastoma: Restoration of Cellular Immune Function By Targeting Arginase I. Clin Cancer Res. 17(22): 6992-7002.
K Nag, J White, T Sippel, M Klaassen, V Tsvankin, AE Waziri (Nov 2010). Peripheral Immunosuppression in Patients with GBM is Mediated By Arginase 1-Secreting Granulocytes: Cellular Immunity Can Be Restored With Arginine Supplementation. Neuro-Oncology 12(s4):vi32.
V Tsvankin, J White, K Nag, M Graner, AE Waziri (Jan 2010). Rapid and Significant Induction of VEGF Expression in Human Meningioma Under Hypoxic Conditions. J Investigative Med. 58(1): 230-231.
SD Dyer, L Street, S Etzel, T Dennis, A Dienstfrey, V Tsvankin, W Tan (Jan 2007). Characterization Of Cell Samples From Measurements Of Spectroscopic Scattering Phase-Dispersion. Proc SPIE. 64469V:0V1-8.
V Tsvankin, D Belchenko, D Scott, W Tan (Jun 2007). Anisotropic Strain Effects On Vascular Smooth Muscle Physiology. Proc ASME. SBC2007-176284:805-6.
Abstracts, Talks, and Professional Publications
V Mehta, V Tsvankin. Cushing’s Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. April 24, 2019: Durham, NC.
SC Harward, V Tsvankin. Posterior Circulation Fusiform Aneurysms: Surgical Approaches and Bypass Considerations. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Jan 16, 2019: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin. Neurosurgery: A Consultant’s Perspective. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Emergency Medicine, Duke University Medical Center. Nov 1, 2018: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin, E Sankey. Approach to Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Sept 26, 2018: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin, E Sankey. Operative Considerations in Subaxial Cervical Spine Trauma. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Aug 8, 2018: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin, C Lascola, T Venkatraman, B Burrus, O Becher, E Thompson. ABC Transporter Inhibition Plus Vessel Permeability Reduction Enhances the Efficacy of CED in DIPG. AANS Tumor Section. April 2, 2018: New Orleans, LA.
TY Wang, SC Harward, V Tsvankin, H Bell, L Charalambous, S Adil, DJ Englot, CR Goodwin, IO Karikari, RE Isaacs, MO Krucoff.Neurological Outcomes Following Surgical or Conservative Management of Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Abscesses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
SC Harward II, V Tsvankin. Cortical Dysplasia and Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Sept 13, 2017: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin, SC Harward. Thalamic Tumors: Anatomy and Approaches. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. July 12, 2017: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin. Infections of the Vertebral Column: Overview and Operative Considerations. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Jun 7, 2017: Durham, NC.
V Tsvankin. Brain Metastases: Overview and Operative Considerations. Grand Rounds talk, Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University Medical Center. Mar 30, 2016: Durham, NC.
T Ung, V Tsvankin, J White, K Nag, M Graner, AE Waziri. VEGF Expression in Human Meningioma Is Hypoxia-Induced and Abolished by Digoxin-Mediated HIF-1α Antagonism. 26th Annual UCHSC Graduate Research Forum. Dec 13, 2011: Aurora, CO.
V Tsvankin, M Rangel, A Reinhart. Quit and Win: Smoking Cessation Programs at the University of Minnesota and University of Colorado. BACCHUS Network 6th National Tobacco Symposium on Young Adults. Mar 22-23, 2007: Denver, CO.
V Tsvankin, C Rockne, D Scott, W Tan. Study of Cell Micro/Nano Mechanics With A Polymer MEMS-Based Device. 15th United States National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Session on Cell and Molecular Mechanics. Jun 25-30, 2006: Boulder, CO
W Tan, V Tsvankin, D Scott, L Xiao, H Qi, R Shandas. Coordinated Behaviors of Tissue Structural Proteins. Gordon Research Conference: Signal Transduction By Engineered Extracellular Matrices. Jul 2-7 2006: New London, CT.