- Duke University Hospitals, Resident, Neurosurgery, 2011-2018
- Duke University Hospitals, Fellowship, Neurointerventional Radiology, 2014-2016
- Case Western Reserve University, MD, 2011
- Stanford University, MS, Biological Sciences, 2000
- Stanford University, BA, Human Biology, 2000
Honors & Awards
- Feagin Leadership Scholar, Duke University Hospitals, 2015-2016
- Golden Apple Award Nominee, Duke Medical Student Davison Council, 2016
- Sanford Weiss Scholarship, Case Western Reserve University, 2011
- Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, 2010
- Byron Cone Pevehouse Award, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2010
- National Institutes of Health T32 Training Grant, 2008
- John E. Fogarty International Center for AIDS Training and Research Program, 2008
- Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) Medical Scholarship, 2008
- Case Western Reserve University Tuition Grant, 2007-2011
- Margaret Byrne Scholarship, Stanford University, 1996-2000
- National Asian American Scholarship, 1996
- Brian Watkins Scholarship, 1996
Professional & Research Interests
Cerebrovascular, endovascular, tumor, skull base, general neurosurgery
- Alkhalili K, Hannallah J, Cobb M, Chalouhi N, Philips JL, Echeverria AB, Jabbour P, Babiker AH, Frakes DH, Gonzalez LF. The effect of stents in cerebral aneurysms: a review. Asian J Neurosurg. 2018;13:201-211.
- Cobb MI, Crowson M, Mintz-Cole R, Husain AM, Berger M, Jang D, Codd P. Transnasal transphenoidal elevation of optic chiasm in secondary empty sella syndrome following prolactinoma treatment with visual evoked potential monitoring. World Neurosurg. 2018 Feb 5. pii: S1878-8750(18)30245-6. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.01.202. [Epub ahead of print].
- Anderson KL, Cobb MI, Gunasingha RM, Waldron NH, Atia A, Bailey JR, Doty JP, Boswick-Caffrey JH, Taylor DC. Improving medical leadership education through the Feagin leadership program. Int J Med Educ. 2017 Aug;8:290-291. PMID: 28817379.
- Cobb MI, Laaraker AS, Gonzalez LF, Smith TS, Hauck EF, Zomorodi AR. Endovascular therapies for ischemic stroke in children - Review. Stroke. 2017 Jul;48(7):2026-2030. PMID: 28596450.
- Choi KJ, Cheng T, Cobb MI, Sajisevi MB, Gonzalez LF, Ryan MA. Recurrent post-tonsillectomy bleeding due to an iatrogenic facial artery pseudoaneurysm. Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports. 2017 May;2(1):103-106.
- Cobb MI, Smith TP, Brown PA, Gonzalez LF, Zomorodi AR. Carotid endarterectomy to remove retained Solitaire stent retriever inside carotid stent after mechanical thrombectomy. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017 May;26(5):e90-e95. PMID: 28318956.
- Cobb MI, Bruce DJ, Graffagnino C, Hauck EF. Symbiotic relationship of IV-tPA and mechanical thrombectomy in a case of acute tandem ICA-MCA occlusion. J Clin Neurosci. 2017 Apr;38:68-71. PMID: 28110931.
- Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Hauck EF, Smith TP, Gonzalez LF. Optimal pediatric dosing of anti-platelet agents for pipeline stent embolization – a case report and review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2017 Apr;33(4):685-690. PMID: 27957634.
- Watanabe K, Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Cunningham CD Rd, Nonaka Y, Satoh S, Friedman AH, Fukushima T. Rare tumors of the internal auditory canal. World Neurosurgery. 2017 Mar;99:200-209. PMID: 27965072.
- Cobb MI, Taekman JE, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF, Turner D. Simulation in Neurosurgery – a brief review and commentary. World Neurosurg. World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:583-586. PMID: 26704209.
- Cobb MI, Galvin L, Gonzalez LF. Superficial Temporal Artery: the “C” shape half-buttonhole configuration as it courses over the zygomatic arch. Surg Radiol Anat. 2016 May;38(4):493-395. PMID: 26264582.
- Loriaux DB, Cobb MI, Zomorodi A, Gonzalez LF, Smith T, Lad SP. Inferior vena cava filter thrombosis in the post-operative neurosurgical setting: case report and review of the literature. Cureus. 2016 Mar 10;8(3):e529. PMID: 27081590.
- Cobb MI, Nimjee S, Gonzalez LF, Jang DW, Zomorodi A. Direct repair of iatrogenic internal carotid artery injury during endoscopic endonasal approach surgery with temporary endovascular balloon-assisted occlusion: technical case report. Neurosurgery. 2015 Sep;11 Suppl 3:E483-487. PMID: 26284353.
- Adogwa O, Huang MI, Thompson PM, Darlington T, Cheng JS, Gokaslan ZL, Gottfried ON, Bagley CA, Anderson GD, Isaacs RE. No difference in postoperative complications, pain, and functional outcomes up to 2 years after incidental durotomy in lumbar spinal fusion: a prospective, multi-institutional, propensity-matched analysis of 1,741 patients. Spine J. 2014 Sep 1;14(9):1828-1834. PMID: 24189136.
- Khan SA, Berger M, Agarwal A, Huang M, Karikari I, Nimjee SM, Zomorodi AR, McDonagh DL. Rapid ventricular pacing assisted hypotension in the management of sudden intraoperative hemorrhage during cerebral aneurysm clipping. Asian J Neurosurg. 2014 Jan 9(1):33-35. PMID: 24891888.
- Huang MI, O’Riordan M, Fitzenrider E, McDavid L, Cohen AR, Robinson S. Increased incidence of nonaccidental head trauma in infants associated with the economic recession. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2011 Aug;8(2):171-176. PMID: 21806359.
- Huang MI, DeBernardo RL, Rodgers M, and Hart DJ. Endometrial stromal sarcoma metastasis to the lumbar spine and sphenoid bone. Rare Tumors. 2011 Jul 11;3(3):e27. PMID: 22066034.
- Manber R, Schnyer RN, Lyell D, Chambers AS, Caughey AB, Druzin M, Carlyle E, Celio C, Gress JL, Huang MI, Kalista T, Marin-Okada R, Allen JJ. Acupuncture for depression during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Mar;115(3):511-520. PMID: 20177281.
- Nir Y, Huang MI, Schnyer R, Chen B, Manber R. Acupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes. Maturitas. 2007 Apr 20;56:383-395. PMID: 17182200.
- Huang MI, Nir Y, Chen B, Schnyer R, Manber R. A randomized controlled pilot study of acupuncture for postmenopausal hot flashes: effect on nocturnal hot flashes and sleep quality. Fertil Steril 2006 Sep;86(3):700-710. PMID: 16952511.
- Smith MT, Huang MI, Manber R. Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic insomnia occurring within the context of medical and psychiatric disorders. Clin Psychol Rev. 2005 Jul;25(5):559-592. PMID: 15970367.
Book Chapters:
- Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF. Quality Improvement. In: Gandi C, Prestigiacomo CJ, eds. Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery: Complication Avoidance and Management. New York, NY: Springer. 2018.
- Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Smith TP, Brown PA, Gonzalez LF. Anterior communicating artery aneurysms. In: Rangel-Castilla L, Nakaji P, Siddiqui AH, Spetzler RF, Levy EI, eds. Decision Making in Neurovascular Diseases. New York, NY: Thieme. 2018.
- Cobb MI, Smith TP, Gonzalez LF, Hauck EF, Fukushima T, Zomorodi AR. Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms – Review. In: Fukushima T. Cerebral aneurysms. September 2017. In Press.
- Cobb MI, Brown PA, Smith TP, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF. Vascular interventional neuro-angiography. In: Agarwal A, Britz G, eds. Pediatric Vascular Neurosurgery: Disorders and their Management. New York, NY: Springer. 2016.
- Brown PA, Cobb MI, Smith TP, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF. Endovascular management of spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas, In: Spetzler RF and Almefty O, eds. Arteriovenous Malformations. New York, NY: Elsevier. 2015. In Press.
Selected Abstracts:
- Mintz-Cole R, Schwartz S, Kale E, Crowson M, Cobb MI, Jang D, Codd P, Berger M. Anesthesia for transphenoidal approach to optic nerve elevation with visual evoked potential monitoring. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting. October 2017.
- Inoue G, Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Fukushima T. Surgical management of intracranial epidermoid tumors. Lessons learned from 334 cases over 3 decades. North American Skull Based Society (NASBS) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March 2017.
- Brown PA, Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF, Smith TP. Product Cost and Utilization in Mechanical Thrombectomy: A Comparison of Techniques. Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS) Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. July 2016.
- Brown PA, Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Gonzalez LF, Smith TP. Fluoroscopy Time and Radiation Dose in Mechanical Thrombectomy: A Comparison of Techniques. Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS) Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. July 2016.
- Babi MA, Dodds J, Gonzalez LF, Zomorodi A, Cobb MI, Brown P, Smith TP, Forrest H, Graffagnino C. General anesthesia for endovascular acute ischemic stroke treatment does not compromise good functional outcomes: experience from a large academic medical center. European Stroke Conference (ESC) Annual Meeting. Venice, Italy. April 2016.
- Babi MA, Dodds J, Gonzalez LF, Zomorodi A, Cobb MI, Brown P, Smith TP, Forrest H, Graffagnino C. Influence of age on clinical and revascularization outcomes on stroke endovascular reperfusion therapies: experience from a large academic medical center. European Stroke Conference (ESC) Annual Meeting. Venice, Italy. April 2016.
- Babi MA, Dodds J, Gonzalez LF, Zomorodi A, Cobb MI, Brown P, Smith TP, Forrest H, Graffagnino C. Dual anti-platelet use following combination systemic thrombolytics and endovascular reperfusion therapies does no increase risk of intracranial hemorrhage: experience from a large academic medical center. European Stroke Conference (ESC) Annual Meeting. Venice, Italy. April 2016.
- Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Smith TP, Brown PA, Hortel TL, Gonzalez LF. Management of a Symptomatic P2Y12 Hyper-responder After Pipeline Stent Embolization. Southern Neurosurgical Society (SNS) Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. March 2016.
- Cobb MI, Zomorodi AR, Smith TP, Brown PA, Babi A, Graffagnino C, Gupta D, Gonzalez LF. General anesthesia for endovascular acute ischemic stroke treatment does not delay initiation to treatment or compromise good functional outcomes – comparing the Duke experience to the Mr. Clean trial. The Joint Cerebrovascular Section American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) / Congress of Neurosurgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA, February 2016.
- Cobb MI. Breastfeeding as a Neurosurgery Resident – 10 Practical Tips on How to Make It Work. La Leche League International. Breastfeeding Today. November 2015.
- Cobb MI, Gonzalez LF, Smith TS, Zomorodi AR. Endovascular therapies for ischemic stroke in children – unique opportunity, but far behind the adult population. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. September 2015.
- Lad SP, Ugiliweneza B, Patil CG, Choi J, Huang MI, Boakye M, Babu R, Agarwal V. Utilization of spinal cord stimulation in patients with failed back surgery syndrome. American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. June 2012.
- Prigozen J, Huang MI, Lohman R, Djohan R. Microsurgery training perceptions and trends. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. January 2012.
- Huang MI, O’Riordan M, Fitzenrider E, McDavid L, Robinson S. Rise in non-accidental head trauma incidence and severity associated with economic recession. American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 2011.
- Huang MI, Baer C, Whalen C. Tuberculosis increases the risk of death by 72% in patients with HIV: findings from a meta-analysis. Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Lepow Research Day. Cleveland, OH. January 2009.
- Baer C, Huang MI, Whalen C. Active tuberculosis and HIV case finding. Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Lepow Research Day. Cleveland, OH. January 2009.
- Krishna R and Huang MI. Social Justice and Primary Care in Nepal. Shanti Nepal. July 2007.
- Schnyer R, Nir Y, Huang MI, Chen B, Manber R. Acupuncture as a treatment for postmenopausal hot flashes. Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. April 2006.
- Schnyer R, Huang MI, Manber R. Prevalence of Chinese medicine defined patterns in women with major depression during pregnancy. Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. October 2005.
- Huang MI, Schnyer R, Manber R. The impact of acupuncture for depression on sleep during pregnancy. Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. June 2005.
- Celio CI, Huang MI, Manber R. Characteristics of sleep in depressed and non-depressed pregnant women. Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. June 2005.
- Packard A, Martin-Okada R, Huang MI, Manber R. Sleep disturbance and depression symptom severity in postpartum women. Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. June 2005.
- Huang MI, Manber R, Schnyer R, Nir Y, Chen B. The impact of acupuncture on nocturnal hot flashes and sleep. Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. June 2004.
Retired professional runner (Taiwan National Team, NCAA All-American, All-American Academic, National Championship Team); world traveler, writer, and yogi. Now, outside of work, I spend time with my husband and 2-year-old boy, and enjoy watching science-fiction movies and sports.