University of Cincinnati, MD, 2023
University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, PhD, Biomedical Informatics, 2021
The Ohio State University, BS, Biomedical Engineering, 2015
Research Grants
F31 NS115447 (WISSEL, BENJAMIN) 6/9/2020-6/8/2022
Funding Agency: NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Title: Machine Learning Approach to Identify Candidates for Epilepsy Surgery
Goal: To automate the identification of patients with epilepsy who would benefit from surgical treatment earlier in the disease course.
Role: Principle Investigator
Amount: $79,750
Honors and Awards
2023 John J. Hutton Academic Excellence Award for the top MD/PhD Student
2020-23 Sponsorship to present at the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Learning Health Systems
2020 University of Cincinnati Medical Scientist Training Program Student Spotlight
2018-19 Biomedical Informatics Student Travel Fellowship, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
2018 Sponsorship to present at 31st Parkinson Study Group Annual Symposium
2018 Best abstract, University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute Research Day
2018 American Academy of Neurology G. Milton Shy Award, Best manuscript in 2017
2017 Sponsorship to present at the 3rd International Conference on Functional Neurological Disorders
2015-16 James J. and Joan A. Gardner Research Student Fellowship, University of Cincinnati
2015 Pressey Honors Scholarship, The Ohio State University
2015 Herbet L. Johnston Scholarship, The Ohio State University
2015 Early Admission to University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
2014-15 Academic Enrichment Grant, The Ohio State University
2014-15 Undergraduate Research Travel Award, The Ohio State University
2014-15 Undergraduate Research Scholarship, The Ohio State University
2014-15 Undergraduate Pelotonia Fellowship, The Ohio State University
2012-14 Honors Collegium, The Ohio State University
2011-15 Elliot Scholarship, The Ohio State University
2011-15 Provost Scholarship, The Ohio State University
2011-15 Choose Ohio First for Engineering Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Research Interests
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, large language models, clinical decision support, quality improvement, and clinical trials
Mountaineering, marathoning, and family
Residency Publications
Short AR, Koralla D, Deshmukh A, Wissel B, Stocker B, Calhoun M, Dean D, Winter JO. Hydrogels That Allow and Facilitate Bone Repair, Remodeling, and Regeneration. J Mater Chem B. 2015 Oct 28;3(40):7818-7830. PMID: 26693013.
Wissel BD, Dwivedi AK, Gaston TE, Rodriguez-Porcel FJ, Aljaafari D, Hopp JL, Krumholz A, van der Salm SMA, Andrade DM, Borlot F, Moseley BD, Cavitt JL, Williams S, Stone J, LaFrance WC Jr, Szaflarski JP, Espay AJ. Which patients with epilepsy are at risk for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES)? A multicenter case-control study. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 Aug;61:180-184. PMID: 27362440.
Merola A, Romagnolo A, Rosso M, Lopez-Castellanos JR, Wissel BD, Larkin S, Bernardini A, Zibetti M, Maule S, Lopiano L, Espay AJ. Orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease: Does it matter if asymptomatic?. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Dec;33:65-71. PMID: 27641792.
Pirio Richardson S, Wegele AR, Skipper B, Deligtisch A, Jinnah HA, Dystonia Coalition Investigators. Dystonia treatment: Patterns of medication use in an international cohort. Neurology. 2017 Feb 7;88(6):543-550. PMID: 28077492.
Mitsi G, Mendoza EU, Wissel BD, Barbopoulou E, Dwivedi AK, Tsoulos I, Stavrakoudis A, Espay AJ, Papapetropoulos S. Biometric Digital Health Technology for Measuring Motor Function in Parkinson's Disease: Results from a Feasibility and Patient Satisfaction Study. Front Neurol. 2017;8:273. PMID: 28659858.
Wissel BD, Mitsi G, Dwivedi AK, Papapetropoulos S, Larkin S, López Castellanos JR, Shanks E, Duker AP, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Vaughan JE, Lovera L, Tsoulos I, Stavrakoudis A, Espay AJ. Tablet-Based Application for Objective Measurement of Motor Fluctuations in Parkinson Disease. Digit Biomark. 2017 Oct-Dec;1(2):126-135. PMID: 32095754.
Wissel BD, Dwivedi AK, Merola A, Chin D, Jacob C, Duker AP, Vaughan JE, Lovera L, LaFaver K, Levy A, Lang AE, Morgante F, Nirenberg MJ, Stephen C, Sharma N, Romagnolo A, Lopiano L, Balint B, Yu XX, Bhatia KP, Espay AJ. Functional neurological disorders in Parkinson disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018 Jun;89(6):566-571. PMID: 29549192.
Vizcarra JA, Sánchez-Ferro Á, Maetzler W, Marsili L, Zavala L, Lang AE, Martinez-Martin P, Mestre TA, Reilmann R, Hausdorff JM, Dorsey ER, Paul SS, Dexheimer JW, Wissel BD, Fuller RLM, Bonato P, Tan AH, Bloem BR, Kopil C, Daeschler M, Bataille L, Kleiner G, Cedarbaum JM, Klucken J, Merola A, Goetz CG, Stebbins GT, Espay AJ. The Parkinson's disease e-diary: Developing a clinical and research tool for the digital age. Mov Disord. 2019 May;34(5):676-681. PMID: 30901492.
Wissel BD, Greiner HM, Glauser TA, Mangano FT, Santel D, Pestian JP, Szczesniak RD, Dexheimer JW. Investigation of bias in an epilepsy machine learning algorithm trained on physician notes. Epilepsia. 2019 Sep;60(9):e93-e98. PMID: 31441044.
Wissel BD, Greiner HM, Glauser TA, Holland-Bouley KD, Mangano FT, Santel D, Faist R, Zhang N, Pestian JP, Szczesniak RD, Dexheimer JW. Prospective validation of a machine learning model that uses provider notes to identify candidates for resective epilepsy surgery. Epilepsia. 2020 Jan;61(1):39-48. PMID: 31784992.
Glauser T, Santel D, DelBello M, Faist R, Toon T, Clark P, McCourt R, Wissel B, Pestian J. Identifying epilepsy psychiatric comorbidities with machine learning. Acta Neurol Scand. 2020 May;141(5):388-396. PMID: 31889296.
Wissel BD, Van Camp PJ, Kouril M, Weis C, Glauser TA, White PS, Kohane IS, Dexheimer JW. An interactive online dashboard for tracking COVID-19 in U.S. counties, cities, and states in real time. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020 Jul 1;27(7):1121-1125. PMID: 32333753.
Sturchio A, Marsili L, Vizcarra JA, Dwivedi AK, Kauffman MA, Duker AP, Lu P, Pauciulo MW, Wissel BD, Hill EJ, Stecher B, Keeling EG, Vagal AS, Wang L, Haslam DB, Robson MJ, Tanner CM, Hagey DW, El Andaloussi S, Ezzat K, Fleming RMT, Lu LJ, Little MA, Espay AJ. Phenotype-Agnostic Molecular Subtyping of Neurodegenerative Disorders: The Cincinnati Cohort Biomarker Program (CCBP). Front Aging Neurosci. 2020;12:553635. PMID: 33132895.
Wissel BD, Greiner HM, Glauser TA, Pestian JP, Kemme AJ, Santel D, Ficker DM, Mangano FT, Szczesniak RD, Dexheimer JW. Early identification of epilepsy surgery candidates: A multicenter, machine learning study. Acta Neurol Scand. 2021 Jul;144(1):41-50. PMID: 33769560.
Wissel BD, Percy Z, Mihalic AP, Ellis RV, Hershey GKK. MD-PhD Students Are Underrepresented in the Gold Humanism Honor Society. Acad Med. 2022 Sep 1;97(9):1254-1255. PMID: 36098772.
Kanbar LJ, Wissel BD, Ni Y, Pajor N, Glauser T, Pestian J, Dexheimer JW. Implementation of Machine Learning Pipelines for Clinical Practice: Development and Validation Study. JMIR Medical Informatics. 2022 Dec 16;10(12):e37833. PMID: 36525289.
Hill EJ, Sharma J, Wissel BD, Sawyer RP, Jiang M, Marsili L, Duque K, Botsford V, Wood C, DeLano K, Sun Q, Kissela B, Espay AJ. Parkinson's disease diagnosis codes are insufficiently accurate for electronic health record research and differ by race. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Jul 15;114:105764. PMID: 37517108.
Wissel BD, Greiner HM, Glauser TA, Mangano FT, Holland-Bouley KD, Zhang N, Szczesniak RD, Santel D, Pestian JP, Dexheimer JW. Automated, machine learning-based alerts increase epilepsy surgery referrals: A randomized controlled trial. Epilepsia. 2023 Jul;64(7):1791-1799. PMID: 37102995.