Duke's New Pituitary Center is a Center of Excellence
In a new approach to pituitary disorders, the Duke departments of Neurosurgery, Head and Neck Surgery, and Ophthalmology have teamed up with neuroendocrine specialists to offer patients one-stop, multidisciplinary care.
This innovative approach allows patients to schedule one trip for multiple appointments within the clinic and leave with a plan that aligns with their diagnosis and goals. Experts across the clinic's sub-specialties combine to form a team that is able to care for all aspects of pituitary tumors.
The program was recently named a Pituitary Center of Excellence by the Pituitary Network Association.
Pituitary Leadership Team
Patrick Codd, MD, Surgical Co-Director, Neurosurgery
Jordan Komisarow, MD, Surgical Co-Director, Neurosurgery
Denise Lally-Goss, ANP, Nurse Practitioner
Leena Shala, MD, Medical Director, Neuroendocrine

Envisioning Stroke Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
Duke University School of Medicine, in collaboration with the UNC School of Medicine, was awarded a U24 grant (U24NS135250) by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to participate in its nationwide network of research sites conducting clinical trials for stroke called StrokeNet.
The award, entitled Duke-University of North Carolina (UNC) Eastern North Carolina and Southern Virginia Regional Stroke Trial Consortium (ENVISION), establishes Duke and UNC as a regional coordinating center within StrokeNet.
This award will provide over $2.7 million over the next five years to establish a regional network of hospital sites in eastern North Carolina and southern Virginia to provide cutting-edge trial therapy options in acute treatment, prevention and recovery to stroke patients. This local consortium will draw from a stroke population of 2.2 million people in a region including 6 major hospitals and 21 regional hospitals. The consortium also provides support for one StrokeNet Fellow, who is a junior clinical researcher who is interested in conducting innovative stroke clinical trials.
Duke Comprehensive Stroke Center Recognized

In 2024, the Duke Comprehensive Stroke Center, under the leadership of David Hasan, MD, (Neurosurgery) and Wayne Feng, MD, (Neurology), received the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award for the fifth year in row. This award, the highest that the AHA offers, recognizes commitment to providing the best possible care for stroke.
- Get with The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus
- Target: Stroke Elite Plus Honor Roll
- Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll
- Target: Stroke Advanced Therapy Honor Roll
The Fukushima Symposium Honors a Master Surgeon
Before his death in early 2024, Takanori Fukushima, MD, was a consulting professor of neurosurgery at Duke University since 1999, and a giant in the field of neurosurgery.
He was known for his brilliant insights in treating neurosurgical diseases and for being a master of cranial micro neurosurgical techniques. Beyond this technical prowess, Dr. Fukushima was known as a highly compassionate neurosurgeon, comforting patients with devastating neurological diseases.
To honor his memory, Duke Neurosurgery held the inaugural Fukushima Memorial Symposium on November 16, 2024. More than 70 attendees enjoyed a full day of lectures, followed by a memorable skull base lab with several of Dr. Fukushima’s former fellows and trainees.

2024 Year in Review Chapters